Five Unexpected Benefits Of Dating online when you are Over 50

If you are interested in dating online but are afraid that this is a “younger” persons game…think again.  In many ways you are actually in a better position to take maximum advantage of this modern method of finding a “soul” partner than people who are younger than you.  Here are five of these ways.

You Are Older and Wiser and have had many life experiences

Life experience counts when it comes to meeting new people. Chances are that you have already been in relationships and you know the kind of people who you generally get along with.  You are able to spot “red flags” of people who pose danger or are “toxic” to you.

You Have Developed A Strong Sense of  Who You Are

Generally, the older we get the better we know ourselves. By 50, we pretty much know the values that we hold in life, and we have developed a strong inner core that is unchangeable and non-negotiable.  When we meet someone who “clashes” too strongly with this inner sense of self…we know this pretty quickly.  It’s the wrong person for us to be with

“Companionship” is now much more about your “Authentic” Self

Look at teenagers or “twentysomethings”.   Notice how much time and attention is put towards superficial issues such as the way someone looks. This gets in the way of getting to know someone from the “inside” out.  A lot of time is wasted in discovering that an attractive appearance can hide a very unattractive inner self.

As an older dater, the issue is no longer anyone’s biological clock

At 50 or older the chances are that you have already formed a family biologically and/or through your friends and your extended family. The pressure is therefore lifted and you can take your time to get to know someone in a way that is both relaxed and through.

Hormones and “chemistry” are not such a central part of attraction

Because the human race is programmed for reproduction, the brain chemicals of attraction largely determine “mating” during the reproductive years.  The intense urge to “hook up” and the intense good feeling of sex confuse the issue of whether you are actually with the right person. All of this fades, as we get older and slows down the process of “falling in love”.  If this relationship does not work out…. it’s not so devastating. Your world will not fall apart

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