Feeling Very Stressed And Overwhelmed These Days? Here Are Some Quick Hacks You Can Start Using In Your Everyday Life

Have you ever heard of your Vagus nerve? If not, you are not alone. So let me introduce you to an essential part of your Central Nervous System. The vagus nerve is the longest nerve in the human central nervous system.  It runs all the way from the base of the cranium to the digestive system and it is essentially an “autonomic” nerve in that it keeps essential functions operating such as heartbeat and breathing.  It is “involuntary” so these functions can proceed even when we are asleep or otherwise unconscious. 

The most important function of the vagus nerve is that is regulates such things as breathing and heartbeat during times of stress. If you think of the concept of “fight” or “flight”, it is the function of the vagus nerve to help marshal extra energy by increasing heartbeat, and sending the signal of “danger” to the brain.  This is important for survival.

The problem, in modern life is that the vagus nerve can get “stuck” in a hypervigalent “danger” mode, even when the danger has gone away. Or, even more insidiously, the brain registers “danger” when the danger is actually psychological or theoretical rather than real. This is one definition of chronic stress.  All of us know the feeling of anxiety and stress that affects our heartbeat and breathing…right?  At its worst, it can create a panic attack. We may think we are going to die, which creates more panic.

When the vagus nerve gets “stuck” in the activation mode, this means it is not able to sense that the danger has passed, or is not real. When the vagus nerve is functioning properly, it can “toggle” back and forth between danger and safety easily.  Heart rate will slow down, and breathing will become slow and steady.

As a result of stress in the modern world, many of us have vagus nerves that are constantly activated, and do not go back to the resting state. Even in sleep, some of us experience danger in our nightmares and we may wake up in a panic.

The good news is that all of us can teach our vagus nerves to calm down and bring us back into the resting state if we practice certain habits in our lives. Many of these habits are easy things, so think about incorporating them into your life.

  1. LAUGHTER…You know how a good belly laugh is one of the best possible things to experience?  Friends you laugh with, or even a good comedy is literally great medicine for your nervous system
  2. SINGING…If you are a person who sings in the shower, sings in the car, or sings in a choir this is wonderful for your central nervous system. It brings in oxygen and the vagus nerve loves this.
  3. COLD WATER IMMERSION…. You may think its crazy when you see people who dive gleefully into cold water, but actually they are onto something.  The vagus nerve loves the stimulation of cold water…even just splashing cold water onto your face, or running ice along your arms and legs
  4. DEEP BREATHING…. This is really good for overall health.  Learn some deep breathing techniques that allow more time for the exhale.
  5. MEDITATION, YOGASTRETCHING…All of these practices are great but may take a little more persistence and dedication.  Get started small, and pick one or two.

So, there you have it.  Good luck in your quest for a more resilient nervous system.

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